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Love Will Save The Day

In Production

Release Genre Format In Production Romantic Drama Feature Film

Loréal Rogers, a fierce Chicago lawyer, unexpectedly finds the possibility of true love in an unlikely place: her political opponent, Jaxon Bryant, Assistant US Attorney and political frontrunner. Despite their initial clashes, they discover that their differences can lead to something beautiful. However, their complicated history with love, marriage, dating, and personal challenges, including one of them being HIV positive, adds layers of complexity to their budding romance.


Nathan Hale Williams


Investment Rationale: As a Chicago native and former lawyer, Love Will Save The Day holds a special appeal, combining a captivating blend of romance and personal challenges. With strong character development, a timely message, and an experienced production team, this film has the potential to engage a broad audience, make a positive social impact, and yield financial returns through various distribution channels.

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